marți, 24 mai 2011


Hello YOU,

Today I feel blue, I feel lost, scared and abandoned. Leaving him wasn't easy, but I know it was the right thing to do. I wish you could feel me and just say something nice, anything...I need your help now, and I know you have a lot on your mind right now, but I'm selfish (and I'm sorry for that). I should stop having expectation from people around me, because I know I'm the only one who can heal my wonds.

Now I don't have you here with me and I'm all will be fine, I know. I miss you so bad, sometimes I imagine how beautiful my life would be if you were here...The time is my enemy now, but I'll do my best to not give up on you.

Everything will be just fine!

P.S. I love you!

luni, 16 mai 2011

A surprise exactly like I dreamed it:)

Hello my dear YOU,

I just want to say that your message confirmed what I dreamed about us:) I'm really happy and all I can say is that I can't wait to see you. You helped me change my life in a way that I though is possible only in my dreams. Whit you, I'm blessed receiving the love and the life I always wanted. The best is yet to come and I  'm really happy I found you, even if you are so far away now.

"When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"

This quote is so true...I want YOU, you want your true love, you want a mother for your children, you want a family, you want a beautiful, smart and sexy wife,  and as we can see all the universe is helping us to be be together. I'm really grateful for this and all my life I'll shall be grateful.

The song above is for you:)

PS. I love you!

miercuri, 11 mai 2011

Hey Baby!

Hello my dear YOU,

It's been a week now since I heard any news from you. I'll stop being selfish and I won't tell you "I miss you",  because I know It's hard for you too. I'm still a child and I want you to be my "master" in all the possible ways and I know someday, when I'll wake up next to you, I'll say :" Perfect choice my dear, you did a great job". It's funny 'cause I dream about you and I imagine our kids...aww, they are simply beautiful , our life together is wonderful.

Tonight I'm going to a concert and I'll make some nice pictures for my portfolio. I was thinking about becoming a real photographer, but it will be very hard right now.

My days without you are sad in a way, and beautiful in another. They are sad, because you're not here with me, or I'm not there with you, but they are beautiful because I have a lot of love in my heart. I became a better person, and now I'm enjoying a lot of things that in the past were invisible to me. It's wonderful how beautiful could be a cloudy day and how romantic a rainy day could sound.

These days I'll go searching for a hat that you wanted to buy last time you were here. I hope I will find a really nice one and I'm sure you'll love it.


PS: I love you!
PPS: a beautiful song only for you:)

luni, 21 martie 2011

"Te plac asa cum esti...o pacatoasa"

Era ciudat pentru ca pentru prima oara in viata ei, avea sa-si insele principiile si moralitatea intr-un mod la care nici nu se putea gandi. Avea sa-l raneasca pe cel care o iubea enorm si toate astea pentru un strain mai mult decat comun.

Avea sa-i demostreze ca toate lucrurile care ei i se pareau banale, plicitisitoare si chiar extrem de neinteresante sunt pline de erotism. Cu el putea sa faca dragoste, chiar daca intre ei era doar o simpla atractie si nimic mai mult, in schimb ce cu iubitul ei putea sa faca doar sex.

"Maybe I'm just the one who will change your point of view and nothing happens for nothing, the goal is always the same, happiness..."

The End

Nevoia de nou

M-am trezit. M-am ridicat din pat si am privit in jurul meu. Doua secunde mai tarziu mi-am dat seama ca parca ma trezisesem dintr-o amorteala de vreo doi ani din care nu prea imi aduc aminte mare lucru...cert este ca acum am deschis ochii. A fost crud adevarul, a fost dureros si inca este atunci cand privesc ce se intampla pe langa mine si vad ca nimic nu-mi mai convine.

Simt intr-un fel cum distrug sistematic tot ceea ce am construit cu greu in atatia ani si in acelasi timp simt cum din mine ies acele voci pe care le-am facut sa taca acum mult timp si pe care acum le iubesc mai mult ca oricand. Ma uit la el, incerc sa mai descopar ceva din ceea ce credeam ca iubesc...poate doar noaptea cand doarme ma mai las ametita de parfumul rest privesc un strain, privesc un om pe care refuz sa cred ca-l cunosc atat de bine. Fac rau cu buna stiinta si asta e cel mai grav.

Mai am tresariri in care imi imaginez ca totul o sa se rezolve de la sine ca totul o sa treaca precum o furtuna care lasa in urma doar doi nebuni care se iubesc mai mult ca niciodata...dar imediat ce gandul imi dispare si il privesc imi dau seama ca nu EL este acela... As vrea sa fiu salvata de printul din povesti acum, dar stiu ca nu exista asa ca ma trezesc rapid!

De ce?

Am creat acest blog sperand ca in timp sa devina un mini jurnal. Am sa scriu cat de des pot fara sa ma gandesc prea mult la partea artistica sau de topica a textului, am sa insir cuvintele exact asa cum imi vin in minte...drept urmare o sa fie un produs brut.